I'm still young, naive, and developing. These are the thoughts I'd classify as gained wisdom and I imagine most won't change as I grow older (rather, more will be added)
Body & Mind
- "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants" - Michael Pollan
- Substances, like caffeine, which are part of daily life should be removed from time to time^2. Elimination helps you understand how your body deals without and you have the reward after you've re-introduced (at least, with caffeine)
- Drink less alcohol, ideally none^1. Caution from using alcohol as a suppressant to anxiety in social situations.
- Prioritize reading over many other activities. Like time in the market (over timing), the long tail benefits outweigh many other things you could do.
- Read what you like. Can't get into fiction? Don't force it. Enjoy that non-fiction.
- Prioritize sleep. 8 hours a night, going to bed at least 12 hours since last caffeine intake. This is hard with young kids, but that is temporary. (assume 18 months of terrible sleep per child)
- Approach parenting with your partner as equals. The burdens of parenting belong to both of you, just as much as the joys do. If you're exhausted and not sure how to do this, watch Bluey^5 with your kids.
- Have at least one daily practice. This is hard as a parent, but you can fit one thing in. For me in 2020-2022 (and onward) that's been running. 5k a day, 6x a week.
- Hug, hold, and spend a lot of time with your kids. Around the age of 5-6, they will show more independence. Soon after that, they will want less cuddles, hugs, and time with you.
- Eat every meal as a family, even when the kids are youngest. This is hard, but worthwhile if possible.
- Lived experiences are better than a big house, toys, and most things material. Live minimally, experience big.
- As your family grows, so too will the sparks of new traditions emerge. Try them out and nurture the ones that stick. Traditions, rituals, and ceremony in are an important bonding mechanism.
- Be kind. Don't gate keep. Follow the Pac-Man Rule^4
- Your career is a pendulum^3. Build experiences through multiple avenues. Adjust for life situation, and understand money will always come back. It's ok to take a pay cut today for a healthier tomorrow.
- Stay at a company long enough to see your projects turn into the company's debt. Understand the implications and short-comings of what you've built.
- Inversely, leave when you've exhausted your learning and earning.
- Always obtain equity.
- There is no template for advice applicable to you. Work through experiences, gain many perspectives, and do your best not to burn out in the process.
- Save money and leverage the benefits of compound interest. Don't save all your money though; your 20s are for being mostly irresponsible.
- "If something feels too hard to start, it just means that the first step isn’t small enough." - Ms. Edson via Dr. Becky Kennedy. There are as many permutations of this phrase as there are people, but I really enjoyed the way this was framed. The points below are not dissimilar to this.
- If you're watching something at 2x speed, it's not worth watching.
- Don't try to figure out what your life is about. It's too big a question. Just figure out what the next three years look like.
- If you're not sure you can carry it all, take two trips. (apply to most things)